Tuesday, August 21, 2012

1000 on the Hapmeter

Yesterday was a great day. Ali was so happy taking her Preliminary MIF test. The best part was she had the ice all to herself. Oh yes, she passed all three judges (only need 1) with a score of 15.2. She was so happy and animated. Joy.

Friday, August 17, 2012


Ali hurt her shoulder at Gymnastic Camp. With no one to watch her, she came to work with me. She was busy drawing and playing computer games. For lunch, we had an outdoor picnic. Before bed, Ali told me about the hapometer. She told me her hapometer was the highest at the picnic lunch. I asked her what else was high on the hapmeter. She said "you know when you have to poo and it comes out or when a fart comes out - that's high on the hapometer. She sounds like an old lady. She was going to bed and I turned the lights off. She asked me to get her the glow-in- the-dark pillow. With complete excitement she told me about this commercial she saw that if nightlights don't give you enough light, you can buy a glow-in-the-dark pillow, covers and sheets. They showed a complete glow in the dark room. It only needed 2 batteries and costs $19 plus shipping and handling. It was so funny that I had tears in my eyes from laughing. So I said my hapometer was high. She asked me if I farted.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Computer Camp

Here's A card to me.
GoAnimate.com: mstrayton%27s+Animation by mstrayton

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!