Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Whose blog is it anyway?

A is in 2nd grade and has a blog at school. Since, I can't access the blog AND because most of my blog posts are about her anyway, we thought we should do a blog together.

It's May, and school is almost over. Her school is closing due to demographics - mediocrity - whatever. Next year we'll be going to Public School. This is a big step for me since I'm not a fan of organized anything.  I also have no experience with PS so I have no idea what to expect. There's a program at her school that sounds so perfect for her.  It's called MAC -Multi-Age Curriculum . The children work independently in groups. They teach each other. There's little homework, leaving more time for skating (synchro, free, dance, tests), piano, sport du jour  Apparently, there's no criteria to get into the program.  I'm told I need to demand it. The problem is that the teacher who teaches the MAC class is leaving. I don't know what to do. But one year in 3rd grade MAC won't do any damage to her. I'm sending emails and A is writing cards. We are even enlisting parents with children already in the program to lobby on my behalf. PATHETIC. And I'm not even sure this is something we want!

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