Saturday, March 16, 2013

Going Public Part 2

Friday, March 15, 2013 Note from Teacher to me

Hi M I saw your note in the booklet. We have gone over in class the procedures for doing an essay. Students are not expected to do a perfect job but should try their best and with time and experience, will rise to the occasion. This is new to most third graders and is a bit overwhelming. You do not need to show her how to do it as that our job.

These tasks are very similar to those she will have to complete on the ELA so we are trying to see what the students ARE able to do and help them fill in the gaps as needed. If she does not bring back the booklet when it is due, it is quite difficult to follow along and pay attention when going over the essays in class which is what I was doing Wed. the date the essay was due back. Since this is the first real essay we are reviewing, she should not feel she has to know everything at this point. I sit with each student in small groups or individually to support them as needed.

There were a few students who did not bring back the booklet at all this week which makes it extremely difficult to review in a timely manner. I did speak to the entire class to emphasize the importance of these assignments and how I can help them to be prepared.

Students are writing down assignments in their planners and should be returning assignments on time, unless there is a note. I think that is a reasonable expectation. I do not want the students to think they can bring things back after due dates, otherwise writing down when they are due is quite pointless and does not instill personal responsibility.

In the future, if A has a problem with an assignment, please write me a note if an extension is needed. This has been my policy for many years and was communicated to everyone on Parents' Night. The students are aware of this policy. No one is being "singled out". Students' homework is not marked complete until it is returned. As for the tests they will be sent home today unless the copier is broken. Conferences will be held in April as noted on the school calendar. Notices will be sent out regarding appointments.

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